Hello to everyone reading this. Welcome to my website! Thank you for checking it out.
In the future I will dedicate more time to blog posts but for now let me tell you a little about what to expect on this blog.
My interests are extremely varied and so are my projects. I will be posting on this blog about jobs with clients, comedy, writing, underwater photography and traveling. I might also post tips for traveling with kids, tips for taking photos or video, editing tips, or equipment reviews. If I find any helpful videos or other blogs, I will be sharing those as well.
I am an "expert" in photography and videography only insofar as people pay me to do it and I love doing it. As with all crafts, my skills and opinions are always in flux. So, that being said, please take any advice I give with a grain of salt.
Thanks for checking out the site! Hope to see you back here again soon.
xoxo Carra